Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lernin to Notis Importint Things

Mom Says:

The morning wore on. Ibrahim squatted next to the giant palm tree, watching the people pass into and out of the prison compound. Agent Octavian sat at attention, with his tail curled in front of his legs. Time passed slowly.

After a while, Octavian padded over to Ibrahim and said, “Kin yu keeps watch? I needz a nap!”

Ibrahim laughed his deep, rough laugh. “Sleep, petit hurairah, leetl kittee. We want you to be alert when they return.”

But Octavian was out like a light.

The sun rose further. Octavian’s dreams were cut through by an odd, drum-like noise and he woke and stretched out and yawned hugely. Ibrahim patted him on the head, saying, “Well rested already? I thought you would take the longer nap.”

Octavian threw himself back down on the pavement. “Whu cud sleep wift that funnee noiz up ther?”

Ibrahim looked up, squinting and shading his eyes with this hand. “How odd… That looks almost…”

A scramble of claws announced the presence of Perro, Sabaka, and Gatto trotting out of the prison, now without the packages that had been attached to their collars.The loud noise from far above their heads grew louder.

“Ibrahim, whut ar them things?” asked Octavian, as the others joined them under the palm tree.

“Well,” said Ibrahim, “I hate to say it, but I think—“

Musashi Sez:

This yer weeklee cliff-hangr. Peepls ben sayin ther not enugf suspens in this blog laytlee, so we ar tryin to improov. I thogted that we needed an akshul cliff fer this, but mom sez no, a meddaforikul cliff is jenrullee gud enogf.

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