Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fyndin a Shryn Wiftout Yoozin GPS

Musashi Sez:

Aftr Alek got the car from the gy wift the funnee aksent, we drov around fer a whyl, to mayk shur that noboddee follr us. They didn’t. We left Malaga an “wendid our wae” into the contree-syd, until I wuz fallin asleep on the front seet. Yah, it wuz all green an nys, but ther NO mousseez, ther NO layzr poyntrz, ther NO fishiz (not toonr, not eevn shrmp, if yu kin imajin!). I meen, whut’s the point of beein awayk if ther not goin to be egsytin stuff to looks at? (Or, possibul, to eetz).

Aftr a whyl, Alek patted me on hed to wayk me up an aksd, “So Eight, what do you make of this ‘Pyg’? M gave me her take, and Ibrahim his. But what do you think?”

I stretchd an yawnd hyoojlee. Then I sed, “Gatto is the reel thin, a whatchucallit, a vederin of the Gaym. Huh. An that Perro is not fer us to mess wift. He Gatto’s buddee, lik them buddee mooveez wher evrboddee is sakrifysin hisself fer evrboddee els. Yu noe.”

Alek sed, “You think?”

I sed, “Wud I sez it if I not thingks it?”

Aftr a whyl he sed, “Huh. I suppose you’re right.”

An I sed, “OK! But, I not totlee unnerstan the derekshuns Gatto givd Zaina. Wher we goin?”

Alek sed, “I’ve read a lot about Andalucia, the southern part of Spain. But I had never heard that the great medieval heresies had arisen here. Most of them happened in Italy, in southern France, places like that. You can find ruins from the time of the Cathars, but… Eight? Wake up! As I was saying, this shrine is the first I’ve heard of from this particular… er, nontraditional dogmatic belief…er…occurring in Spain.”

I yawnd agen. “Yu not ansr mai qwestshun.”

He sigd lik he wuz egsadjeraytin. “Fine! We arrrr going to El Santuario de Nuestra SeƱora del Gatto del Cielo!”

Now, of cors, I not hav a cloo whut he sayin, but it not mattr. He is hoomin peeple; I is kittee peeple. So I sez, “Well, of cors. Yu shud’v sed so befor.”

Mom Says:

Clearly, Octavian is learning a great deal about how to communicate with humans. We didn’t say that it would be positive or constructive communication. But he’s got the method right, at least…

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