Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Renooin Contakts

Musashi Sez:

Jus then, the phon rang, an Alek ansrrd it. “Allo? Mai oui. Un moment. Eight, it’s for you.”

I leaped on the bed an talkt to the phon. “Allo? C’est Octavian.”

“Ah! Eet eez Zorra! Quelle chance! Ma fren Octaviann from Leektenshtyn! Ma secretayree tol me she saw yu entering L’Hôtel Lyonesse.”

“Wow. C’est magnifique! I onlee jus got heer. How hav yu ben, Zora?” (Alek givd me a look lik his eyebrowz itchd. I ignord him.)

“O, I hav ben well, mon ami. Also, I hav ben heering that yorr beeznis hav ben grroweeng well.”

“Ah. Right. Wull, yu noe, eevn in a bad eekonomee, folks gots to hav qwalitee ‘Nip.”

“Yu arrr so rright. Eet ees for thees reezon zat I hav calld. I hav a fren in the Neepyards of Provence. Chateau de Fourrure: eet eez a small laybell, yu noe, but of ze highest qwalitee. He wood lik to meet yu.”

“Reellee? Pourquois?”

“Ah, yu arr too ‘umble, Octaviann. A beeg Amerrican importrrr lik yu? He has in mind a deal. An I wuz theengkeeng zat yu shood meet som of heez colleeegz as well, an I can introdoos yu.”

“That’s a jenerus offr—“

“Not at all. Perhaps we shood deescuss eet ovayr dinnayr? Hmmm?”

Now by this tim, I am tryin hard not to purr an giv maiself awae, an meenwhil Alek is verree obveeyuslee eevzdroppin an he is shaykin his hed an whisprin tomorro! So I sez to Zorra, “I has a preevyus engayjmint tonigt…Wud tomorrow do?”

Long storree's shorts: Wen Alek givd Pero a high-5, I jus ignord them agen.

Huh. Stuff lik this nevr happin to Jimbond. Nevr.

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