Monday, February 15, 2010

Puttin Up Wift Bozos? Puttin Mai Sleek Blak Paw Rigt Down

Musashi Sez:

I dunno if yu remembembr that sceen in A Qwantum of Solace wher Jimbond is goin into a hotel an he doesn’t lik it cuz it not neerlee fansee enugf fer him, but his colleegz got this dumb cover—“We’re teetchrz on holiday.” He turn rigt aroun an go to a mutch fansee-er hotel an tells the desk-gy that they’r teetchrz whu has jus won the lotteree. This is how I feeld havin to hang aroun wift the bozos Alek an Pero aftr mai long phon call wift Zora.

They wer maykin all theez UN-AMYOOZIN joks about how noboddee evr seen kittinz wift angora tuxedos befor, an how rayr it is fer sekund dayts to be weeks-long drivs in the contree, an lik that. Huh. Finlee, I hadsd enugf.

“Pero!” I sed this in mai “Mom-is-tikt-off” voys, that is lowerer than mai usual voys. Pero automatik sat down an lukt surprizd. “Wud yu mayk fun of Gato this wae? Wud yu?”

“Ar yu keeding? Gato wud chuw mai eerz off!”

“Not a bad ideer. I migt jus try it maiself. An Alek—” (Saym voys: why not if it werk?) “Wud yu talk about Jimbond this wae?”

“Sorry, chap, but with him it wouldn’t be funny.”

“Wull, it not funnee now. I don’t thingk yu two appreesheeayt the bigness of the problim we has ben sent heer to solv. Ther ar kitteez all ovr Yoorup whu ben sniffin bad ‘Nip, an rollin in bad ‘Nip, an cuddlin up to toyz all stufft wift bad ‘Nip. An whil yu 2 bozos is lagfin it up, them kitteez ar in danjr. That NOT rigt. Yu has a BAD.”

Pero went an hid unnr the fansee oranj coutch. Alek blew his nos.

“Huh,” sez I. “All rigt then. Kin we get to werk now?”

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