Thursday, March 18, 2010

Metro Kitteez out on the Town

Musashi Sez:

Let’s be honnist: Zora an me wobbld our wae to the Metro stayshun, trotted down the stayrz, an then leapd! ovr the turnstylz. The whol plays wuz fool of whit stuff and steel an othr shinee thins. We tukd the trayn from wher we wer to the Plos de la Concord an then we went abuv-groun.

An I gotta sae, the Plos wuz pertee impressive! The wadder flowed up an ovr an into the big wadder-dish so big that Ceilin Cat cud com down an dringk frum it. It wuz, yu migt sae, hyoojlee inspirayshunl.

It tolkd to us whu wuz standin ther, thingkin about wadder! It sed, “Splish! Splash-splash-splash! Swoosh! Splash-splash” [and I qwote!]. Cleerlee, we needs to investigerayt sutch a pfernomernon!

(An then I thogt, “Huh. Ther is thingkin an ther is praktis (praxis).” I has lernd this from nappin on Mom’s books. An I noe that Mom wud sae that it not about 1 versus the othr; it about 1 AND the othr, eevn wen the othr is sorta oppazit. But I still not shur how all this fansee thee-o-lojikl stuff apply to the splashy-splashy fountin. But then agen, Mom sez that 1 of her perfessrz sed, “I offin rekkamenz confyoozhun as the most honnist respons to theez isshuz.” (Wills, 2/11/10). Wull, heck, mebbe he’s akshullee rigt!)

Weirdr thins has happind.

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