Tuesday, September 29, 2009
First Impreshunz
Musashi Sez:
The 4 of us stood ther in the dark grey mornin coolnis, waytin. It wuz verree awkwerd. Eevntchullee, Ibrahim sed, “So Gatto, whu is yer rugbee teem?”
An Gatto sed, “Huh. I perfer fensin, maiself.”
An just as Ibrahim wus tryin to thingk of a wae to ansr that, ther wuzs a flash of whit fur an a scrambul of claws an a vois sed whut soun lik “Stratzvee, Payro, Gahto! Ayp? Whu this? Whu this? Bark bark bark bark bark!”
Perro sed, “WOOF!” (An I cud tell he ment it.)
The littul whit an blak furree person sat down sudden, lik he hadn’t got a choys.
Gatto sez, “Sabaka, theez ar mai frenz I told yu about, Ibrahim an the Merikan ajint, Octayvien, whu com heer to halp yu.”
Sabaka, whu lookd eevn yongr than me, jumpt up, all egsytid an yalpt, “Oh boy! Yu goink to sayv mai mastr! Oh boy! Mastr, mastr, yu ar sayvd!”
I sed cayrfullee, “Mistr Sabaka, mai peeples is willin to halp yu, but yu gotsta halp them in return, ok? They’r maykin a good-fayth effrt to see that yer hoomin, er, mastr, kin get out of the prizn, but they wants to noe that yu ar givn them somthin that is as importint as the fayvrz they has to call in to halp him. Yu unnerstan?”
Gatto translaytid in bits an peesiz, somtims asksin Perro fer a werd. Eeventchul, Sabaka sed, “O! Mai mastr is spy. Yu noe spy? So he heer vhut heez mastrz ar doink, an hee halp them to doink eet. I dunt noe egzaktlee, but I theenk it hav to do vith doggeez an globul mastrz, vat yu callz zem?”
Gatto sed, “Werld leedrz?”
“Da!” sed Sabaka. “I find out for yu.”
I likt mai paw, considrin, an then I sed, “That soun about rigt. I wayt heer, OK? Yu talk to yer mastr, an then yu tell me whut he sez. Mebbe we kin do a deel.”
Mom Says:
By that time, the sun had risen just enough for Octavian to see that Perro, Gatto and Sabaka had packages around their necks, tied to their collars. With a flick of their whiskers, they were gone, leaving Octavian and Ibrahim to wait.
Musashi Sez:
John Le Carré, a gy whu writ novulz baysd on his egspeeryens as a formr spy, alwaes sez that “spyin is waitin.” It turn out that he totallee rigt. Huh.
John Le Carré,
world leaders
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