Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Agent 08, On Her Majestee’z Intrspeeciez Servis, Part I

Mom Says:

Having made the decision to spend one of his nine lives as an MI-6 spy for England, serving on the international, Interspecies Service, Musashi took up his middle name, Octavian, as his code name. (And that name came from his being adopted on 08-08-08, a very auspicious date for the Chinese, who have been around long enough to know.)

Now, naturally, we expect readers to have questions, and we encourage them. After all, James Bond’s section of MI-6 is well documented in stories, novels, and films. But who has written of MII-6? And who knows of the tricky and sensitive moves required of operatives who, in part because of antiquated citizenship requirements in every country of the world, are not nationals of any country, and who, in addition to whatever first-country commitments they might have, are also deeply committed to protecting Britain, the home of the world’s first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals?

And, most importantly, who has the ninja writing skills necessary to tell the tales of inconspicuous gallantry from the members of MII-6 (pronounced Mysiz, in memory of the mice of the Underground tunnels who aided Churchill during the Battle of Britain), oh-so-carefully telling the tales of daring and technological showiness, while also protecting the identities of the United Kingdom’s most valiant protectors, though they go about in the shadows on four feet?

Who indeed?

Musashi Sez:

That wud be me.

An if yu don't noe whu me is, I sugjest yu go to The Musashi Guide, at, wher yu kin lern mor.

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