Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rabbitz at Werk

Musashi Sez:

I has ben getting poyntid comments on the gaps in mai blog heer. I jus wants yu all to noe how hard our rabbit wrytrz ben werkin. Contraree to commin noelidj, neethr mom or me akshullee writ this blog. I is the Star an mom is the Voys-Ovr Narraytr. The writin is diffrint.

Yu noe how they sez if yu puts 100 monkees typin at 100 typwrytrz, yu gets the werks of that Shaykspeer fellr? Wull, it’s lik that, onlee we gots a dozin bunnee rabbits sittin at laptops, an so we gets Jaymz Bond. Mostlee.

Egsept them monkees din’t have a union, wift sik dayes an tim off fer grand-onkuls’ fyoonerals an lik that. An bunneez got LOTS of grand-onkuls. An yu wudn’t beleev how fast a cays of pink-ey kin go around a staybul of rabbits.

So it not so eezee lik it luk. Huh.

But once they com up wift a plot, we get rigt bak to werk.

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