Friday, November 6, 2009

Anothr Rest, But This 1 Not Mandatery

Musashi Sez:

We ar taykin anothr rest today, so mom can werk on anothr essay or 2 an trai to figgr out whut happnz next.

I am maykin the most out of mai furlo an sleepin unner the lamp whyl she writs stuff. Mebbe I'll lern somthin. At leest I will lern about whut she is writin about, which is citeez.

Cors, now I has all this egspeeryens, I cud tell her a thin or 2, but I has lived enugf (almos 21 monfs!!!) to noe that som thins yu gots to werk out fer yerself. Huh.


  1. Citeez? Two words: Blade Runner.

  2. YAH, that in her parergruf 2. Then whut?

  3. An ANEEWAE, I not in the Stayts. I is in Grrranada, somwhers unnergroun, wift ex-Soveet spiez and hoominz an probabul plots to tayk ovr evrthin.

    So how yu halpin? Hmm?

  4. Hmmm . . . I still say a natural disaster. Flood. Earthquake. No one killed but levels the playing field literally and metaphorically) and makes for strange bedfellows (metaphorically).

  5. That seem a littul egstreem to me. But I not roolin it out. Jus in cays...
